WFR in the wild

4Points was fortunate to partner with some amazing local educational and guide services to train staff in a Wilderness First Responder course.

The WFR class is a challenging course designed to teach the concepts of patient assessment, evaluation of vital signs and patient history, and treatment of both injuries and medical emergencies. This is all done in a remote setting with limited equipment and no outside help. The participants were expected to acquire competency in a variety of classroom and skill-based situations, with the end goal appropriate patient care; proper use of backcountry medical protocols; and leadership skills in a unique and difficult situation.

We even found a little time to catch some waves before the final rescue scenario…..we make time to enjoy where we are!

This group passed with flying colors and were awarded their WFR certifications, valid for 3 years and renewable with attendance at either a 2 day Wilderness First Aid or 3 day Wilderness First Responder Refresher class.

If you are interested in acquiring life skills that will serve you and the people you explore with, this class is for you! The material is challenging but fun, and daily skill sessions and practical scenarios train you to remain calm under pressure. Join us for training with real world applications!


Red Rocks Hiking


Ireland Adventure